Song Circles

We speak, sing, tell stories, pray, cry, rejoice, all with our voice. Sure, singing can be beautiful and masterful; and it can also be cacophonous, dissonant, and almost painful to the ears.

At a Shine Song Circle, we focus less on how it sounds, and more on how it feels.

All that matters is the spirit, the feeling. We invite you to drop your inhibitions and expectations; to feel whatever you feel.

Songs have an otherworldly ability to slip between the cracks of our logic-addicted minds and perform something like a healing ceremony for our soul. They allow us to know and be known through sounds and colors our ordinary, everyday language is incapable of. Songs can soothe, anger, disrupt, and illuminate parts of ourselves we’ve always known but forgot existed.

Each person will have their own unique journey when they sing. Our song circles encourage everyone to sing freely, which has the power to unlock emotions trapped inside us. By opening our voices together, we become conduits of energy, which has the potential to break down what has been holding us back. This energy is a freedom that transcends singing, empowering us to express ourselves more fully in various aspects of communication and life as well.

Songs sung in unison weave their lifeblood through physical bodies in a way that unites and empowers the singers, transfiguring pain and suffering into light and peace and, ultimately, love.

The songs we bring to circle have uplifting and thoughtful lyrics that are a powerful (and catchy) way for positive affirmations and mantras to seep in. The songs live on in your cells well beyond the circle itself, and can be used to replace negative self talk, and help keep your mind in a powerful frequency of self love and curiosity.

Coming together for a Shine Song Circle is all about the power of our collective voice. By singing together we build strength, inspiration and belonging with each other.

We offer free community song circles every month on or around the new moon, locations vary. Upcoming events and details will be listed here.